The springing of Spring
Exploring the Wood Element and how aligning our yin yoga practice to the season of Spring can help us reach our full potential.
The benefits of cultivating a regular yin yoga practice
Exploring the effects of creating a consistent yin yoga practice and how it can benefit our overall wellbeing.
Embracing the ‘chill’ this Winter
How to navigate the coldest, darkest season of the year with resilience
What makes Yin yoga ‘yin’?
Exploring the concept of yin and yang according to ancient Chinese philosophy and its relevance to our yoga practice and life beyond the mat.
Creativity and inspiration that can arise effortlessly during a yin yoga practice
The effects of Yin yoga on our connective tissue
Exploring the transforming effects of Yin yoga on our connective tissue.
How to use props to support your yin yoga practice
Exploring the best props to support you in your Yin practice and the most effective ways to use them.
Yin yoga: a gateway to meditation
Exploring the ways that Yin yoga can gently ease us into meditation.
Yoga for mental health week: how to manage anxiety
How gaining an understanding of anxiety can help us on our journey to alleviate symptoms for better wellbeing.
Yoga for mental health week: yin yoga for anxiety
The benefits of cultivating a regular yin yoga practice to help manage anxiety
How to regulate your circadian rhythm
Follow this guide for tips to reset your internal clock and regulate your circadian rhythm
What is Yin Yoga?
Discover the principals of a Yin yoga practice and some of its benefits.
How to make the most of your online Yin class
How to create an optimal environment for your online yoga practice.
The effects of coherent breathing on mental well-being
Try this simple breathing technique and feel the profound effects on your body and mind.
Five ways to start the day mindfully
Mindfulness is one of the best ways we can practice yoga off the mat and make the most of each day.
A change of scene
Sometimes a change of scene is all we need to shift our perspective and approach life re-energised.